Couples / Relationship Therapy
Is seeing a couples therapist right for you?
Are you and your partner fighting all the time? Do you feel like you’re living with a roommate instead of a spouse? Are you missing some of the passion and mutual appreciation that your relationship used to have? Is your sexual life unsatisfying or nonexistent? Maybe you’re just looking for that spark again, or you’re both wondering if it is time to make a real change. Significant trauma in you or your partner’s’ lives as individuals can also impact your relationship – job loss, death of a loved one, poor health, infertility, and so many other circumstances can put strain on a relationship. And that just scratches the surface. If you find yourselves unable to work through what’s bothering each you and the challenges to your relationship, you may want to see a couple’s therapist.

Relationships are rarely easy – but they’re worth it!
Don’t feel bad just because your relationship has challenges. It’s sad common knowledge that roughly 50% of marriages end in divorce. We’re all too familiar with the stress that comes with work, bills, families, and so much more. Further, you and your partner are changing over time, which means you may need new ways to relate to one another to keep the relationship strong.
However, the news for couples isn’t all bad. Your relationship can also give you the energy, support, and enthusiasm you need to feel happier and optimistic. A healthy relationship can also contribute to your mood and literally your overall health. And isn’t it nicer to share memories and passion with someone you love?
Couples therapy may be just what your relationship needs.
You and your relationship can heal.
Relationships aren’t easy, yet such is the case with most things in life worth having. If you want your relationship or at the very least believe your challenges deserve the light of day and an honest and complete conversation, couples therapy may help. We’ll work together to heal your relationship for the long-term. Call or email me to talk about your relationship.
Still unsure? Let’s address your concerns.
1. You feel like you’re living separate lives.
2. The same arguments come up over and over again.
3. Sex is almost non-existent, or it’s unpleasant to one or both parties.
4. Someone is cheating or having an affair (or thinking of one).
5. The family finances are hidden from one another (”financial infidelity”).
6. Your partner is now “the enemy.”
7. Intimacy is withheld as a form of punishment.
8. The problems that do exist are being ignored and you don’t care to work on them any longer.
9. You’re in a big rough patch – of any kind – and despite your best efforts cannot get out of it.
Couples face challenges and occasionally the intimacy will cool – this is normal. But if you find yourself checking off one or more boxes above, couples therapy may help you.