
I use both short term and longer term psychotherapy in order to provide more choice for my clients. I focus on good relationships within families and within individuals (i.e. how we relate to ourselves). When someone comes to see me they can expect that I will listen to what they want to work on and then work together to find solutions.

Primary Credential: LCSW - 904003732

Is child or teen therapy right for your family?

Is your child or teen depressed or anxious? Does your child or teen have ADD or ADHD, and are you unsure how to help her or him cope? Are you concerned about school performance, social shyness, or technology addiction? Maybe you’re worried as a parent that you don’t know how to respond to some of these and other behaviors and are looking for help to chart a way forward.

Many parents feel the same way you do.

We live in a stressful time. We all want healthy and happy families, but we’re all so busy that it can feel harder and harder to connect and reconnect with one another. Technology can distract and place psychological demands on us as individuals and on our whole families. Feelings of anxiety and depression, sometimes genetic and other times more due to plain old stressful circumstances, can make life feel so much harder than it needs to. Millions of children, teens, and parents struggle everyday. You’re nowhere near being alone with these challenges you and your family face.

Child and teen therapy may make a difference.

For over 30 years, I’ve worked with children, teens, and parents to help improve self-understanding and self-acceptance, communication, and individual and family unit togetherness. The process for healing starts by developing awareness of our own feelings and creating points of mutual understanding that enable us to move forward.I work one-on-one with children, teens, and parents and also as a counselor for the family as a whole. I also offer occasional group sessions to help families who would like to share with one another. I have found that by working together with a qualified psychotherapist, children and their parents may yield breakthroughs in their own individual self-esteems and self-knowledge and collective understanding that many of the most worrisome issues resolve themselves.

If you would like to learn more about how child and teen therapy can help your loved ones, please call or email us today, and I would be happy to speak with you soon.

Therapy seems expensive, and I am not sure it will make a difference.

I focus on long-term solutions that lead children, teens, and parents to modify their behaviors independently and create to more satisfying and fulfilling lives. Child and adolescent therapy is an intervention, helping children and their families prevent years of unnecessary future emotional trauma. Child and teen therapy is an investment in the health of your family.

Every child, teen, and parent is different, but the techniques and processes developed from my 30 years of psychotherapy experience have helped families chart a healthy path forward.

You can help your child be happy and succeed.

Do you ask yourself what else you can do for your child? Are you unsure what methods other parents like you have used to cope effectively? If you have these questions or others about child or teen therapy, please call or email me and we’ll talk about your concerns.

But maybe you’re still unsure about asking help.

My Child Or Teen Is Having Difficulties, But Is Therapy Really Necessary?
There Are A Number Of Circumstances Under Which Therapy May Be A Good Way Forward For Your Child Or Teen.

1. Is Your Child Or Teen’s Behavior Endangering Herself Or Others?
2. Is Your Child Or Teen Reacting Very Poorly To Your Own Reactions To Her Behavior?
3. Does Your Child’s Behavior Interfere With Daily Family Functioning And Activities?
4. Is Your Relationship Or Marriage Overly Strained Due To Your Child’s Behavior?
5. Are You Out Of Answers And Unsure What To Do?

If The Answer To Any Of These Questions Is “Yes,” Then Child Therapy May Help. If You Find Yourself Unsure, You May Also Call Or Email, And I Will Be Happy To Discuss With You.

What If My Child’s Problems Are Genetic And Required Medications, Is Therapy Useful Then?
Medications Such As Adderall Or Ritalin For ADD Or ADHD, Antidepressants In Other Circumstances, And A Variety Of Other Drugs May Help To Dampen Symptoms; However, The Goal Of Our Work Together Is To Resolve Behavioral Challenges At Their Root, Leading To Healthy Modifications And Overall Improved Self-Esteem And Communication Going Forward. In Some Cases, Therapy Has Shown To Be An Effective Complement Or Even Substitute For Medication.